Starting A Business

Start your business here in Spindale! 

We are located in the center of Rutherford County, North Carolina, nestled in the beautiful Western North Carolina Foothills.  


Feel free to call or visit us at Town Hall  for assistance or guidance in making Spindale your new business home!

Spindale Business Zoning Permit Requirements

          All businesses or businesses changing use, ownership or location are required to obtain a Zoning Permit.  Our zoning permit process is essential to properly registering your property use and business. The process also provides vital information to town officials, law enforcement, fire/rescue and emergency services.  

     Find your property on Spindale’s Zoning Map and also type in your property address at Rutherford County NC GIS.

Visit and peruse the Table of Permitted Uses.

  All new business and/or business changing use, ownership or location are required to obtain a fire inspection before you open/reopen for      business under the same or different name. You can arrange your inspection through the zoning officer at (828) 286-3466.

  A site plan drawn to scale indicating shape, dimensions, location, and nature of building or use is required with your zoning permit      application.

You must confirm that the aspects of any proposed sign are within the bounds of the Zoning Ordinance’s Signage Regulations.  A separate       Sign Permit is required.  Pick up at Town Hall or download online.

· Fees associated with the permit process are payable by cash or check at Town Hall, 125 Reveley Street, Spindale, NC.     Payment by card is currently not accepted.

       Applicable Statutes: 

       NC GS 160A-411, 160A-412, & 160A-413   

 Spindale Town Ordinance - 94.01 Fire Prevention Code and Hazards

Start water, sewer, and garbage collection through Broad River Water Authority

Broad River Water Authority

P.O. Box 37

138 Duke Street

Spindale, NC 28160

PH: 828-286-0640

FAX: 828-286-3977

Emergency 24-Hour:

PH: 828-287-7776

Office Hours:

8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. M-F

Maria Hunnicutt, Manager

Building Code Inspections for Spindale are conducted by the Rutherford County Building Inspector:

Rutherford County Building Inspections

270 North Toms Street

Rutherfordton, NC  28139

(828) 287-6035

Fax (828) 287-6338

8 am - 4:30 pm - Monday through Friday

NC 811 offers free utility locating in Spindale.