Living In Spindale
Living Inside Spindale Town Limits
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Residents and business owners inside Spindale Town limits should be aware of a variety of local ordinances and policies that affect the use and enjoyment of their property. These regulations are in place to promote the overall balancing of everyone’s rights in utilizing their property:
I. Town Government Structure:
The Town of Spindale is governed by a 5-member Board of Commissioners who are elected at large to serve the community. The Board sets all policies of the Town and adopts an annual budget that provides for all town services each year (Administration/Finance/Collections, Planning/Zoning/Code Enforcement, Police, Fire, Streets, Sanitation, Wastewater Collection System (i.e. “sewer”), Wastewater Treatment Plant, Recreation, and Library. The Board employs a Town Manager to oversee the day to day administration of all town departments and programs. The Town Board meets once each month (the third Monday) at 6:30 pm in the Commissioners Room of the Spindale House. There is a Public Comment period at the beginning of each meeting, where any member of the public may comment on general matters of Town business.
The Town has a Zoning Ordinance which regulates physical development (i.e. construction and placement of structures, signs, and use of land). Zoning permits are required for any construction project in town; this is issued before County Building Inspections will issue a Building Permit. Some districts allow residential uses and others allow business use. The Ordinance also requires setbacks, or minimum distances from property lines, for any structures to be built or remodeled. The Ordinance is quite lengthy and in depth, and you should contact Town Hall (828)286-3466 with any questions regarding these matters.
Most property inside Town limits is served by the Town sewer system. You will pay a monthly bill for sewer service, as well as a yearly “Availability Fee” of $180 that is billed directly by the Town each fall and due by June 30th of each year. Broad River Water Authority is a separate entity that provides water service, but they bill the “consumption” portion of your sewer use on the monthly water bill. The current consumption rate for Residential customers is $6.65 per 1,000 gallons of water used beyond the first 1,000 gallons. The Availability Fee covers the first 1,000 gallons each month.
The Town also provides weekly garbage pick-up. There is a monthly fee for this service that is billed on the water/sewer bill. The Residential fee is currently $11.05 per month for one 90-gallon rollout container. Additional containers are $5.53 each per month. Please note that garbage collection is a required service, related to the discussion in the next item.
The Town regulates and enforces abatement (i.e. correction) of “nuisances”; this typically means cases of unclean property, accumulation of rubbish, junked and abandoned vehicles, overgrown lots, etc. The law recognizes these situations as public health and safety concerns.
The Town regulates unreasonably loud noises through its Noise Ordinance. The Police Department enforces this Ordinance, which stresses quiet hours particularly in the late evening through early morning.
The Town's Police Officers enforce the Animal Control Ordinance. Typical issues involve dogs running loose. Dog owners are required by law to keep their dogs on a leash or confined behind a fence if not inside the house. “Invisible Fences” are sufficient as long as they’re working properly. Dogs may not be tied out as a permanent means of confinement. There are also strict requirements on the type of animals that may be kept in town; please contact the Police Department for further information.
VIII. Minimum Housing Standards:
The Town has a Minimum Housing Standards & Nuisance Ordinance which regulates the physical condition of residences. Properties are required to be kept in a livable (i.e. “habitable”) condition in order to keep the public safe. While a house must be maintained in a structurally sound manner, the Ordinance also requires each residence to be served with a connected, and functioning, water and sewage disposal system.
The Town provides a 24 hour per day police force to handle all aspects of criminal law enforcement and investigations within Town limits. *Call 911 if you need a Police Officer.
The Town provides a 24 hour per day Fire Department for the public’s safety and emergency response. It is staffed by a Fire Chief, a shift captain on duty at all times, and numerous volunteer firefighters. *Call 911 if you need the Fire Department.
The Town provides a public library which operates Monday through Friday, from 8:30 am – 5 pm. The library is closed daily from 11:30 am – 12 noon for lunch and all day on Fridays during the summer. The Library is located at 131 Tanner Street in downtown beside the Spindale House.
The Recreation Department coordinates a variety of sports programs throughout the calendar year, most of which are held at the Spindale House located at 119 Tanner Street. Deviney Park is also located off Spindale and Greer Streets.
To provide Town services, all property in town is charged a yearly tax. The amount is determined by a formula as follows: 64.3 cents per $100.00 of your property’s value (this includes a 5-cent tax strictly for the library). Your value is determined by Rutherford County Tax Department and appears on your Property Tax Card at that office. Your Town taxes are billed and collected by Rutherford County, who distributes the funds back to the Town. The Town itself does not collect property taxes directly.
XIV. Questions?
Please feel free to call any of the following numbers if you have a question about any of these matters:
a. Streets, Trash Collection, Sewer Service: (828)286-2206
b. Zoning Permits, Code Enforcement, Nuisance Complaint: (828)286-3466
c. Police: (828)286-2911
d. Fire: (828)286-2911
e. Animal Control: 911 or (828)286-2911
f. Library: (828)286-3879
g. Recreation: (828)286-3716
h. General Questions, call Town Hall main switchboard: (828)286-3466